• 10114 24 St SE, Calgary Alberta
  • Mon - Fri :6:30am - 4:30pm | Sat: 6:30am - 2:30pm

$79.75 / Tonne

$34.00 / Tonne

$89.25 / Tonne

$133.25 / Tonne

ECCO Recycling is pleased to announce our new co-mingled recycling program for LEED Version 4. Beginning in May 2021, we will complete our plant upgrades to offer a sorted and weighed co-mingled breakdown for LEED 4 loads upon request We will be one of the only operations offering the co-mingle waste stream for LEED version 4 in western Canada. Click here to learn more

Materials Recycling Facility

Materials arriving at the site are weighed and visually inspected at the scales; the Scale House Attendant generates a scale ticket for the load detailing the type of material, destination (at the ECCO facility), gross tonnage, vehicle tare, net tonnage, date and time; the loads is then discharged on an indoor tipping floor for inspection and manual pre-sorting.

During inspection and manual pre-sorting any off-spec or unacceptable materials are removed for temporary storage inside two (2) vented Sea-Cans in caged plastic bins, set on top of pallets with secondary containment designed to catch any potential spilled materials. These materials are later packaged and removed for proper disposal by an independent contractor.

Click Here for a complete list of our Acceptable, and Unacceptable Materials.

About The Process

After materials are unloaded onto the tipping floor ECCO’s Traffic Directors and Sorters conduct an inspection of the load to remove off-spec materials and pre-sorting certain materials. Following inspection and pre-sort the materials are mechanically loaded onto the infeed conveyor and move through a series of conveyors, magnets, and ballistic separators for sorting and processing before reaching a staffed manual sort-line. The manual sort-line serves as a quality assurance and control checkpoint to remove contaminants, prior to the material reaching the baler for baling and shipment for recycling.

We Offer Competitive Rates

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Locally owned and operated. Right here in Calgary!

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